Function Reference


Performs a bit shifting operation.

BitShift ( value, shift )



value The number to be shifted.
shift Number of bits to shift to the right (negative numbers shift left).


Return Value

Returns the value shifted by the required number of bits.
Bit operations are performed as 32-bit integers.



Remember hex notation can be used for numbers.
Right shifts are equivalent to halving; left shifts to doubling.



BitAND, BitNOT, BitOR, BitXOR, Hex, BitRotate



$x = BitShift(14, 2)
;  x == 3 because 1110b right-shifted twice is 11b == 3

$y = BitShift(14, -2)
;  y == 56 because 1110b left-shifted twice is 111000b == 56

$z = BitShift( 1, -31)
;  z == -2147483648 because in 2's-complement notation, the
;  32nd digit from the right has a negative sign.